In the works…
- Sheller, B. & Shafto, P. (preprint). The (co)limit of metabeliefs.
- Bascandziev, I., Shafto, P. & Bonawitz, E.B. (2025). Prosodic cues support inferences about the question’s pedagogical intent. Open Mind.
- Wiltzer, H., Bellemare, M.G., Meger, D., Shafto, P., & Jhaveri, Y. (2024). Action Gaps and Advantages in Continuous-Time Distributional Reinforcement Learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).
- Li, Z. & Shafto, P. (2024) On the feasibility of intent obfuscating attacks. AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society.
- Yang, S, C-H., Eaves, B., Schmidt, M., Swanson, K., & Shafto, P. (preprint). Structured Evaluation of Synthetic Tabular Data. arXiv:2403.10424.
- Givchi, A., Wang, P., Wang, J., & Shafto, P. (preprint). Distributionally-Constrained Policy Optimization via Unbalanced Optimal Transport. arXiv
- Lu, C-K & Shafto, P. (preprint). On Connecting Deep Trigonometric Networks with Deep Gaussian Processes: Covariance, Expressivity, and Neural Tangent Kernel. arXiv
- Wong, M., Choi, K., Barak, L., Lapidow, E., Austin, J., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E.B. (2024). Young children's directed question asking in preschool classrooms. Behavioral Sciences.
- Sheller, B. & Shafto, P. (2024). The alignment problem in curriculum learning. Proceedings of the 46th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Domanski, S., Rudinger, R., Carpuat, M., Shafto, P., & Huang,Y.T. (2024). Assessing Common Ground through Language-based Cultural Consensus in Humans and Large Language Models. Proceedings of the 46th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Bascandziev, I., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, L.B. (2024). Parents modify their prosody when asking questions with pedagogical intent. Proceedings of the 46th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Hao, X., Jhaveri, Y., & Shafto, P. (2023). Common ground in cooperative communication. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). (spotlight) pdf
- Wang, J., Wang, P., & Shafto, P. (2023). Generalized Belief Transport. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). pdf
- Li, Z., & Shafto, P. (2023). On feasibility of intent obfuscating attacks. Workshop on New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning (AdvML 2023) at ICML.
- Wang, J., Wang, P., & Shafto, P. (2023). Efficient discretizations of Optimal Transport. Entropy. html arXiv
- Hao, X. & Shafto, P. (2023). Coupled variational autoencoder. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). html arXiv
- Barak, L., Harmon, Z., Feldman, N.H., Edwards,J. & Shafto, P. (2023). When children’s production deviates from observed input: Modeling the variable production of the English past tense. Cognitive Science. html
- Yang, S., C-H., Folke, T., & Shafto, P. (2023). The inner loop of collective human-machine intelligence. Topics in Cognitive Science. pdf html
- Kominsky, J., Bascandziev, I., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E. (2023). Talk of the Town Mobile App Platform: New method engaging family in STEM learning and research in homes and communities. Frontiers in Psychology. html
- Yang, S, C-H., Rank, C., Whritner, J., Nasraoui, O., & Shafto, P. (2023). Human variability and the explore-exploit tradeoff in recommendation. Cognitive Science. PsyArXiv html
- Barak, L., Fernandez, N., Feldman, N., & Shafto, P. (2023) Modeling substitution errors in spanish morphology learning. Proceedings of the 45th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. html
- Chiu, W-T., Wang, P., & Shafto, P. (2022). Probabilistic inverse Optimal Transport. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). arXiv
- Yang, S., C-H., Folke, T., & Shafto, P. (2022). A psychological theory of explainability. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). arXiv
- Paranamana, P., Wang, P., & Shafto, P. (2022). Evolution of beliefs in social networks. Collective Intelligence. arXiv
- Richard, B. & Shafto, P. (2022). Sensitivity to the slope (α) of the amplitude spectrum of natural scenes is dependent on the α of recently viewed environments: A visual adaptation study in modified reality. Vision Research. arXiv
- Harmon, Z., Barak, L., Shafto, P., Edwards, J., & Feldman, N. (2022). The competition–compensation account of Developmental Language Disorder. Developmental Science. html
- Bokadia, H., Yang, S, C-H., Li, Z., Folke, T., & Shafto, P. (2022). Evaluating perceptual and semantic interpretability of saliency methods: A case study of melanoma. Applied AI Letters. html
- Thomas, D., Kleinberg, S., Brown, A., Crow, M., Bastian, N., Reisweber, N., Lasater, R., Kendall, T., Shafto, P., Blaine, R., Smith, S., Ruiz, D., Morrell, C., & Clark, N. (2022). Model Machine Learning Practices to Support the Principles of AI and Ethics in Nutrition Research. Nutrition and Diabetes.
- Shafto, P., Wang, J., & Wang, P. (in press). Cooperative communication as Belief Transport. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. pdf
- Yang, S.,C-H., Folke, T., & Shafto, P. (2021). Abstraction, validation, and generalization for explainable artificial intelligence. Applied AI Letters. arXiv html
- Nguyen, K., Misra, D., Schapire, R., Dudík, M., & Shafto, P. (2021). Interactive learning from activity description. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). arXiv
- Yang, S.,C-H., Vong, W-K., Sojitra, R.B., Folke, T., & Shafto, P. (2021). Mitigating belief projection in explainable artificial intelligence via Bayesian Teaching. Scientific Reports. pdf arXiv
- Lu, C-K & Shafto, P. (2021). Conditional Deep Gaussian Processes: empirical Bayes hyperdata learning. Entropy, 23, 1387. 10.3390/e23111387 html arXiv
- Lu, C-K & Shafto, P. (2021). Conditional Deep Gaussian Processes: multi-fidelity kernel learning. Entropy. arXiv
- Folke, T., Yang, S.C-H., Anderson, S., & Shafto, P. (2021). Explainable AI for medical imaging: explaining pneumothorax diagnoses with Bayesian teaching. Proc. SPIE 11746, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III. doi: 10.1117/12.2585967 arXiv
- Kominsky, J., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E.B. (2021). There’s something inside: Children’s intuitions about animate agents. PLOS ONE. pdf
- Colantonio, J.A., Durkin, K., Caglar, L.R., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E. (2021). The intentional selection assumption. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.569275 html
- Bascandziev, I., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E.B. (2021). The sound of pedagogical questions. Proceedings of the 43rd annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Harmon, Z., Barak, L., Shafto, P., Edwards, J., & Feldman, N. (2021). Making Heads or Tails of it: A competition–compensation account of morphological deficits in language impairment. Proceedings of the 43rd annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Wang, P., Wang, J., Paranamana, P., & Shafto, P. (2020). A mathematical theory of cooperative communication. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). arXiv (oral presentation, <1.5% acceptance rate)
- Wang, J., Wang, P., & Shafto, P. (2020). Sequential cooperative Bayesian inference. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). arXiv
- Wang, P., Givchi, A., & Shafto, P. (2020). Manifold learning from a teacher’s demonstrations. NeurIPS workshop: TDA and beyond. arXiv
- Lu, C-K, Yang, S, C-H, Hao, X., & Shafto, P. (2020). Interpretable deep Gaussian Processes with moments. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AIStats). AIStats arXiv
- Daubert, E.N., Yu, Y., Grados, M., Shafto, P., Bonawitz, L.B. (2020). Pedagogical questions promote causal learning in preschoolers. Scientific reports.
- Yu, Y., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E. (2020). Inconvenient samples: Modeling biases related to parental consent by coupling observational and experimental results. Open Mind, 4, 13-24.
- Sun, W-L., Nasraoui, O., & Shafto, P. (2020). Evolution and impact of bias in human and machine learning algorithm interaction. PLoS one, 15(8), e0235502.
- Bonawitz, E., Shafto, P., Yu, Y., Gonzalez, A. & Bridgers, S. (2020). Children change their answers in response to neutral follow-up questions by a knowledgeable asker. Cognitive Science. doi: 10.1111/cogs.12811
- Barak, L., Yang, S, C-H., Rank, C. & Shafto, P. (2020). Replicating L2 learning in a computational model. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Richard, B., Hansen, B.C., Johnson, A.P., & Shafto, P. (2019). Spatial summation of broadband contrast. Journal of Vision, 19(5), 1-19. pdf
- Wang, P., Paranamana, P., & Shafto, P. (2019). Generalizing the theory of cooperative inference. Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS). arXiv
- Yu, Y., Bonawitz, L.B., & Shafto, P. (2019). Pedagogical questions in parent-child conversations. Child Development, 90(1), 147-161. doi:10.1111/cdev.12850 pdf
- Jean, A., Daubert, E., Yu, Y., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E.B. (2019). Pedagogical questions empower exploration. Proceedings of the 41st annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pdf
- Yang, S.C-H., Vong, W.K., Yu, Y., & Shafto, P. (2019). A unifying computational framework for teaching and active learning. Topics in Cognitive Science. doi: pdf code
- Sun, W., Khenissi, S., Nasraoui, O. & Shafto, P. (2019). Debiasing collaborative filtering recommender systems. The Third International Workshop on Augmenting Intelligence with Bias-Aware Humans-in-the–Loop (HumBL@WWW2019).
- Williams, J.D., Lopez, D., Shafto, P., Lee, K. (2019). Technological workforce and Its impact on algorithmic justice in politics. Consumer Needs and Solutions, 6: 84. doi: 10.1007/s40547-019-00103-3
- Bass, I., Gopnik, A., Hanson, M., Ramarajan, D., Shafto, P., Wellman, H., & Bonawitz, E.B. (2019). Children’s developing theory of mind and pedagogical evidence selection. Developmental Psychology, 55(2), 86-302. doi: 10.1037/dev0000642 PsyArxiv.
- Lu, C-K. Yang, S.C-H., & Shafto, P. (2018). Standing wave decomposition Gaussian Process. Physical Review E, 98, 032303. arXiv
- Yang, S.C-H., Yu, Y., Givchi, A., Wang, P., Vong, W.K., & Shafto, P. (2018). Optimal cooperative inference. Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS). arXiv
- Gweon, H., Shafto, P., & Schulz, L.E. (2018). Development of children’s sensitivity to over-informativeness in learning and teaching. Developmental Psychology, 54(11), 2113-2125. doi: PDF
- Yu, Y., Landrum, A., Bonawitz, L.B., & Shafto, P. (2018). Questioning supports effective transmission of knowledge and increased exploratory learning in pre-kindergarten children. Developmental Science. doi:10.1111/desc.12696 PDF
- Yu, Y., Shafto, P., Bonawitz, E.B., Yang, S.C-H., Golinkoff, R.M., Corriveau, K.H., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Xu, F. (2018). The theoretical and methodological opportunities afforded by guided play. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1152. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01152 PDF
- Vong, W-K., Sojitra, R., Reyes, A., Yang, S.C-H., & Shafto, P. (2018). Bayesian teaching of image categories. Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Choi, K., Lapidow, E., Austin, J., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E.B. (2018). Preschoolers are more likely to direct questions to adults than to other children (or selves) during spontaneous conversational acts. Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Bass, I., Shafto, P., & Bonawitz, E.B. (2018). That’ll teach ‘em: How expectations about teaching styles may constrain inferences. Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Perfors, A., Navarro, D.J., & Shafto, P. (2018). Stronger evidence isn’t always better: A role for social inference in evidence selection and interpretation. Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Sun, W., Nasraoui, O. & Shafto, P. (2018). Iterated algorithmic bias in the interactive machine learning process of information filtering. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR). PDF Best paper award winner
- Badami, M., Nasraoui, O. & Shafto, P. (2018). PrCP: Pre-recommendation counter-polarization. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR). PDF
- Yang, S.C-H. & Shafto, P. (2017). Explanable Artificial Intelligence via Bayesian Teaching. NIPS 2017 workshop on Teaching Machines, Robots, and Humans. PDF
- Lane, J. & Shafto, P. (2017). Preschoolers and toddlers attribute causal power to novel invisible entities. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 162, 268-281. PDF
- Baker, L., LoBue, V., Bonawitz, E.B. & Shafto, P. (2017). Towards automated classification of emotional facial expressions. Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Yang, S.C-H. & Shafto, P. (2017). Teaching versus active learning: A computational analysis of conditions that affect learning. Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Yang, S.C-H., Whritner, J.A., Nasraoui, O. & Shafto, P. (2017). Unifying recommendation and active learning for human-algorithm interactions. Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Yu, Y., Bonawitz, E.B. & Shafto, P. (2017). Inconvenient samples: Modeling the effects of non-consent by coupling observational and experimental results. Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Bass, I., Bonawitz, L.B., Shafto, P., Ramarajan, D., Gopnik, A. & Wellman, H. (2017). I know what you need to know: Children’s developing theory of mind and pedagogical evidence selection. Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Badami, M., Nasraoui, O., Sun. W., & Shafto, P. (2017). Detecting polarization in ratings: An automated pipeline and a preliminary quantification on several benchmark data sets. IEEE Big Data 2017, International Workshop on Big Social Media Data Management and Analysis. PDF
- Schweinhart, A.M., Shafto, P. & Essock, E.A. (2017). Distribution of content in recently-viewed scenes whitens perception. Journal of Vision, 17(3), 8-8 PDF
- Eaves, B.S. & Shafto, P. (2017). Parameterizing developmental changes in epistemic trust. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(2), 277-306. PDF
- McCrink, K., Shafto, P. & Barth, H. (2017). The relationship between non-symbolic multiplication and division in childhood. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(4), 686-702.
- Shafto, P. & Nasraoui, O. (2016). Human-recommender systems: From benchmark data to benchmark cognitive models. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2016), 127-130. PDF
- Eaves, B.S. & Shafto, P. (2016). Toward a general, scaleable framework for Bayesian teaching with applications to topic models. IJCAI 2016 workshop on Interactive Machine Learning: Connecting Humans and Machines. PDF, CODE
- Schweinhart, A., Eaves, B.S. & Shafto, P. (2016). Automating the recoding, analysis, and interpretation pipeline using naturalistic visual scenes. IJCAI 2016 workshop on Closing the Cognitive Loop: Third Workshop on Knowledge, Data, and Systems for Cognitive Computing. PDF
- Searcy, S. R. & Shafto, P. (2016). Cooperative Inference: Features, objects, and collections. Psychological Review, 123(5), 510-533. PDF
- Eaves, B.S., Feldman, N., Griffiths, T. & Shafto, P. (2016). Infant-directed speech is consistent with teaching. Psychological Review, 123(6), 758-771. PDF
- Mansinghka, V.K., Shafto, P., Jonas, E., Petschulat, C., Gasner, M. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2016). CrossCat: A fully Bayesian nonparametric method for analyzing heterogeneous, high dimensional data. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17, 1-49. arXiv
- Eaves B.S., Schweinhart A., & Shafto P. (2016). Tractable Bayesian teaching. In M.N. Jones (Ed.), Big Data in Cognitive Science. New York, NY: Psychology Press. PDF
- Nasraoui, O. & Shafto, P. (2016). Human-algorithm interaction biases in the big data cycle: A markov chain iterated learning framework. arXiv preprint arxiv:1608.07895 arXiv
- Yu, Y., Bonawitz, E. & Shafto, P. (2016). Questions in informal teaching: A study of mother-child conversations. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Bonawitz, E. B. & Shafto, P. (2016). Computational models of development, Social influences. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 7, 95-100. PDF
- Durkin, K. & Shafto, P. (2016). Epistemic trust and education: Effects of informant reliability on student learning of decimal concepts. Child Development, 87, 154–164. PDF
- Mansinghka, V., Tibbetts, R., Baxter, J., Shafto, P. & Eaves, B. (preprint). BayesDB: A probabilistic programming system for querying the probable implications of data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.05006. arXiv
- Shafto, P. & Bonawitz, L.B. (2015). Choice from among intentionally selected options. In Ross, B. (Ed.) Psychology of Learning and Motivation Volume 63, San Diego: Elsevier. PDF
- Rafferty, A., Brunskill, E., Griffiths, T.L. & Shafto, P. (2015). Faster teaching via POMDP planning. Cognitive Science. PDF
- Rhodes, M., Bonawitz, E., Shafto, P., Chen, A. & Caglar, L. (2015). Controlling the message: preschoolers’ use of information to teach and deceive others. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:867. PDF
- Durkin, K., Caglar, L.R., Bonawitz, E. & Shafto, P. (2015). Explaining Choice Behavior: The Intentional Selection Assumption. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Noles, N.S., Danovitch, J.H. & Shafto, P. (2015). Children’s Trust in Technological and Human Informants. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Landrum, A.R., Cloudy, J. & Shafto, P. (2015). More than true: Developmental changes in use of the inductive strength for selective trust. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Landrum, A.R. Eaves Jr, B.S. & Shafto, P. (2015). Learning to trust and trusting to learn: a theoretical framework. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19, 109-111. PDF
- Rhodes, M., Bonawitz, E., Shafto, P. & Chen, A. (2014). Controlling the message: Preschoolers’ use of evidence to teach and deceive others. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Gweon, H., Shafto, P. & Schulz, L.E. (2014). Children consider prior knowledge and the cost of information both in learning from and teaching others. Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Eaves, B.S. & Shafto, P. (2014). Order effects in learning relational structures. Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Searcy, S. R. & Shafto, P. (2014). Learning biases for teaching boolean concepts. Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Shafto, P., Goodman, N. D. & Griffiths, T. L. (2014). A rational account of pedagogical reasoning: Teaching by, and learning from, examples. Cognitive Psychology, 71, 55-89. PDF
- Eaves, B. & Shafto, P. (2012). Unifying pedagogical reasoning and epistemic trust. In Xu., F. and Kushnir, T. (Eds.) Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 43, 295-319. PDF
- Shafto, P., Goodman, N.D. & Frank, M.C. (2012). Learning from others: The consequences of psychological reasoning for human learning. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7, 341-351. PDF
- Shafto, P., Eaves, B., Navarro, D.J. & Perfors, A. (2012). Epistemic trust: Modeling children’s reasoning about others’ knowledge and intent. Developmental Science, 15, 436-447. PDF
- Kemp, C., Shafto, P. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2012). An integrated account of generalization across objects and features. Cognitive Psychology, 64, 35-73. PDF
- Shafto, P., Gweon, H., Fargen, C. & Schulz, L. (2012). Enough is enough: Inductive sufficiency guides learners’ ratings of informant helpfulness. Proceedings of the 34th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Gonzalez, A., Shafto, P., Bonawitz, E.B. & Gopnik, A. (2012). Is that your final answer? The effects of neutral queries on children’s choices. Proceedings of the 34th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Bonawitz, E.B., Shafto, P., Gweon, H., Goodman, N.D., Spelke, E. & Schulz, L. (2011). The double-edged sword of pedagogy: Instruction affects spontaneous exploration and discovery. Cognition, 120, 322-330. PDF
- Shafto, P., Kemp, C., Mansinghka, V.K. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2011). A probabilistic model of cross-categorization. Cognition, 120, 1-25. PDF
- Buchbaum, D., Griffiths, T.L., Gopnik, A. & Shafto, P. (2011). Children’s imitation of causal action sequences is influenced by statistical and pedagogical evidence. Cognition, 120, 331-340. PDF
- Warner, R., Stoess, T. & Shafto, P. (2011). Reasoning about teaching and misleading situations. Proceedings of the 33rd annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Montague, R., Navarro, D.J., Perfors, A., Warner, R. & Shafto, P. (2011). To catch a liar: The effects of truthful and deceptive testimony on inferential learning. Proceedings of the 33rd annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Smith, N.A. & Shafto, P. (2011). The role of cross-cutting systems of categories in category-based induction. Proceedings of the 33rd annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Rafferty, A., Brunskill, E., Shafto, P. & Griffiths, T.L. (2011). Faster teaching by POMDP planning. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). PDF
- Li, D. & Shafto, P. (2011). Bayesian hierarchical cross-clustering. Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS). PDF
- Shafto, P., Goodman, N.D., Gerstle, B. & Ladusaw, F. (2010). Prior expectations in pedagogical situations. Proceedings of the 32nd annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Li, D., Rouchka, E. & Shafto, P. (2010). Phylogenomic analysis using Bayesian congruence measuring. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computation (BICoB). PDF
- Bonawitz, E.B., Shafto, P., Gweon, H., Chang, I. Katz, S. & Schulz, L. (2009). The double-edged sword of pedagogy: Modeling the effect of pedagogical contexts on preschoolers’ exploratory play. Proceedings of the 31st annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Warner, R. Shafto, P., Baker, C.L. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2009). Abstract knowledge guides prediction and search in novel situations. Proceedings of the 31st annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Shafto, P., Kemp, C., Bonawitz, E.B., Coley, J.D. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2008). Inductive reasoning about causally transmitted properties. Cognition. 109, 175-192. PDF
- Shafto, P. & Goodman, N. (2008). Teaching games: Statistical sampling assumptions for learning in pedagogical situations. Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Mansinghka, V.K., Jonas, E., Petschulat, C., Cronin, B., Shafto, P. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2007). Cross-Categorization: A method for discovering multiple overlapping clusterings, NIPS workshop PDF
- Tenenbaum, J.B., Kemp, C. & Shafto, P. (2007). Theory-based Bayesian models of inductive reasoning. In Feeney, A. & Heit, E. (Eds.), Induction. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. PDF
- Shafto, P., Vitkin, A. & Coley, J.D. (2007). Availability in category-based induction. In Feeney, A. & Heit, E. (Eds.), Induction. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. PDF
- Feeney, A., Shafto, P. & Dunning, D. (2007). Who is susceptible to the conjunction fallacy in category-based induction? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 884-889. PDF
- Shafto, P., Coley, J.D. & Baldwin, D. (2007). Effects of time pressure on context-sensitive property induction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 890-894. PDF
- Kemp, C., Shafto, P., Berke, A. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2006). Combining causal and similarity-based reasoning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Best Student Paper, Honorable Mention, NIPS 2006. PDF
- Shafto, P., Kemp, C., Mansinghka, V.K., Gordon, M. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2006). Learning cross-cutting systems of categories. Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Shafto, P., Kemp, C., Baraff, E., Coley, J.D. & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2005). Context-sensitive induction. Proceedings of the 27th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
- Coley, J.D., Shafto, P., Stepanova, O. & Baraff, E. (2005). Knowledge and category-based induction. In Ahn, W., Goldstone, R.L., Love, B.C., Markman, A.B. & Wolff, P. (Eds.), Categorization inside and outside the laboratory: Essays in honor of Douglas L. Medin. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. PDF
- Shafto, P. & Coley, J.D. (2003). Development of categorization and reasoning in the natural world: Novices to experts, naive similarity to ecological knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 29, 641-649. PDF
- Coley, J.D., Solomon, G.E.A. & Shafto, P. (2002). The development of folkbiology: A cognitive science perspective on children’s understanding of the biological world. In Kahn, P. & Kellert, S. (Eds.), Children and nature: Psychological, sociocultural, and evolutionary investigations (65-91). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. PDF
- Ahn, W., Kalish, C., Gelman, S.A., Medin, D.L., Luhmann, C., Atran, S., Coley, J.D. & Shafto, P. (2001). Why essences are essential in the psychology of concepts. Cognition, 82, 59-69. PDF